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Submit Your Event

Maximum 30 words. Please keep to this limit.
E.g. Youth Service Name
The location of the event e.g. Oceanarium. If your event is online, please add the address of the provider.
E.g. Pier Approach
E.g. Bournemouth
E.g. Dorset
E.g. BH2 5AA
E.g. 50.7129515
E.g. -1.8715855. Please make sure you include the minus at the front
E.g. £10 per session
E.g. 13 and over
E.g. Trains arrive frequently at Bournemouth station, buses every 10 minutes to the pier next to Oceanarium. Please try and be as specific as possible about bus/train stops you recommend, or time to walk to/from. The more detail the better.
E.g. Not suitable for wheelchair users
Minimum number of people who can attend
Maximum number of people who can attend
E.g. https://www.google.com or mailto:opcc.comms@hampshire.police.uk (if using an email address please include "mailto:" at the start)
E.g. https://www.google.com
Leave blank if no first date
E.g. Lessons between 10:00 -12:00 or 14:00 - 16:00
Please be aware that if selecting Yes, the event won’t be displayed on the site.
You can select multiple interests
You can select multiple areas if your event is open to young people from different locations
You can upload a minimum of 1 image and up to a maximum of 5. Upload images in the order you wish for them to appear on the event page (i.e the first image uploaded will be the first image people see when viewing your event.
They must meet the following criteria:
- Only Jpeg (.jpeg, .jpg) and Png (.png) files.
- A maximum file size of 5mb.
- At least 1200px wide and 400px high.

Please note each image alt text will be generated by the filename of the uploaded image - just with spaces replacing underscores, hyphens and full stops. i.e
the-name_of.my file.jpg
generates the following alt text
the name of my file
Please enter your email address. This will be used if we need to get in touch about this event or help you arrange promotion.
Tick this box if you would like us to notify you when this event is due to expire so you can update / renew the event. The email alert will be sent 1 week before the end date
Tick this box if you would like us to notify you when this event has been approved and published.